Old You! New You!

Been so long I scribbled my heart,
Around the World my words found art!
But today I feel so different,
Hitting a talk with myself to accommodate!

Times of India today has been a home to so many people talking to their old self. Inspired by this interesting camaraderie found, I thought why not talk with myself from 10years back.

10years back; an introvert, not so confident, worrisome me; today, exactly opposite but still the same me.

2017- So did you know you will be a doctor?
2007- O yes, I enrolled for medicine just this year.

2017- But did you know, you won’t be a conventional doctor anymore?
2007- Umm, I don’t even know what’s that.

2017- You know what I see, is your liking for the greater good even then.
2007- I don’t even know what you are talking about.

2017- O well, you won’t. You are still under the pressure of the society norms. Sorry, but you need to be fearless to click.
2007- Fear, that has been carrying me for long. Pressures of the society are just there to show you way. They tell you what to be in the long run to just be.

2017- Does that make you happy?
2007- I guess so

2017- I am glad you listened to your heart in the long run. Coz what people want, you should never be.
O btw, you could develop a greater potential to be an artist. Did you know that?
2007- 1st MBBS and a whole new deal of life, please don’t pester me with your vivid thoughts.

2017- Don’t worry about it. You will know.
Know what, you will be a different person altogether when you meet me.
2007- I hope a better one.

2017- Doesn’t that make you feel good about yourself?
2007- I am clueless about anything you say.

2017- Wait till you see, what this dawn brings to you,
            A rising start and a different world you will be in!
            A mender for many, apparently a doctor for some,
            Your calling will be different than you now see!
            A friend for many, a shoulder for some,
            You are today a person, you ever imagined to be!
            Vagabond, Flying high, you are living a dream,
            An artist in becoming and someone else you see!
            The World you see now is a carefree side of yours,
            A better living and still going better, it’s beautiful!
            Glad that you learnt what you were meant to be,
            A soul searcher, an untamed mind,
            You are bound to be doing something much better than your kind.

2007- 2017 I wait for thee! 

Picture Credits: Google


  1. That's the beauty when we look back.
    Best part about it, is the progress you have made with time and that is what counts.

    1. An absolute delight to see this happen you know :)

  2. You wrote something! Yay! I'm so happy! I'm not sorry at all that I pestered you for this. Hehe


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