Life As We Know It!!!

In a recent add of DOCOMO, Ranbir Kapoor keeps saying, “Keep It Simple Silly!”

It is so easy to say that few words. But in reality keeping it simple is not actually so simple. LIFE as I sometimes define is “Live It Free and Easy”. And truly speaking that never happens. And just in case that happens for any, he/she attains ‘inner peace’ (KungFu Panda wisdom).

Every day we open eyes in the morning, we have a long day scheduled. 
Each morning that I get up, I look at what’s in the store for the day and hope all goes well. That’s when life will be simple. But it seldom takes the course we decide for it. A planned study timetable gets numerous scratches to adjust with the uncertainties that occur through time.

Nevertheless we do face life as it comes. Giving it an opportunity to try us, challenge us and later, sailing victorious. I pity those who succumb to life that easily. Just remember, the Almighty has a plan for everyone. If there is darkness now, it does mean He’s planning a brighter stuff for us later. Patience is the key.

Those saints who have achieved penance, have taken enough challenges by Lord and completed them to hold the triumph. We don’t need to become a saint to make the life simple. All we need is, some serenity, some peace and some faith. They will help you tide over all situations. Easily ummm I am not sure but will help and that’s a surety.

P.S. Even I haven’t learnt the art of ‘inner peace’. Just a realization I wished to share. Trying to instill that to make it ‘Free n Easy’.


  1. Goral - Foundation PERFECTLY laid :). If you have realized this... you will search for techniques and they will also come to you! Most people have problems (guilty of having experienced that!!) - because they don't believe that life can be lots simpler, if we learn some lessons and techniques.

  2. Thanks Goral for posting this thoughtful and honest stuff. Keeping life simple is definitely not that simple but we can strive to do so. And patience is the key, you said it. Lack of patience only lead us to many troubles.


  3. PATIENCE!!!!yes its d key!!do u have it???;)


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