A Toast to Friendship!!!
Come February…comes the month of love…coz 14 th of it marks the Valentine’s Day… Come August…comes the month of friendship…coz the 1 st Sunday marks the friendship day… I question…is there a need for any such particular day or time to tell our beloved that “I love you”??? And I answer…may be no…but yes…a “no” coz we don’t need an occasion for spilling our heart out…and a “yes” coz that gives an official chance to celebrate…our friendship…our love… 1 st August this year will be a toast to the companionship…and I here take the opportunity to thank and tell all my pals that they are just wonderful… People gel along easily…but all don’t get the much coveted title of “A friend”…few are those who win it…and minimal are those who keep it... Cruising through life…I made friends…all different yet similar…some like me…some unlike me…some heads…and some tails…but having a very peculiar common character…love for me…as I have for them… Early childhood…naïve about the thing…loved be...